Helpful Contacts

Atlantis College of Management 24/7 Emergency Contact 0433 277 164
Abortion Trauma and Crisis Pregnancy Help 0433 277 164
Australian Health Management (AHM)134 246
AHM Emergency helpline1800 006 745
Alcohol & Drug Information Service 1800 177 833
Department of Immigration and Border Protection 131 881
Wageline1300 369 945
Workplace Rights Hotline1300 737 841
Domestic Violence1800 811 811
Emergency Services (Police and Ambulance and Fire000
Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission(02) 9284 9600
Complaints Info line1300 656 419
Privacy Hotline1300 363 992
International Directory Service1225
Kids Help Line1800 551 800
Legal Aid Australia1300 651 188
Lifeline 24 Hours13 11 14
Quit Line 131 848
Telephone Directory Service 12455
Telephone Interpreting Services131 450
State Emergency Service132 500
Telstra Call Tracing Service 1800 007 097
Poisons Information13 11 26
Gas Emergency132 0771
Electricity Emergencies13 12 80
Salvation Army Counselling Services1300 627 727
Lifeline13 11 14
Mensline1300 78 99 78
Suicide Helpline Victoria1300 651 251
Victorian Sexual Assault Crisis Line1800 806 292
Funeral Advice Line1300 306 670
Road Trauma Support Team1300 367 797