
Mount Macedon Day Trip

Watch the seasons change in Mount Macedon and revel in the autumnal splendour on display in glorious gardens, old-world mansions, and the ferns and waterways

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Free LinkedIn Workshop

Applying for a job can be a tricky process. In today’s digital age there are several assets employers look at when reviewing the perfect candidate.

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What is Gamification?

Gamification is the method of taking something that already exists – a website, an enterprise application, an online community – and integrating game mechanics into it to

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HRM’s New Focus

HRM is additionally a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing individuals and therefore the workplace culture and atmosphere. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute successfully

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Christmas Holiday Break

Hi Atlantian, how are you? Today’s post is to remind you of important dates regarding to the Christmas Holiday break. Check the date according to

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Welcome to Atlantis News!

Hello Atlantis Student and welcome aboard the Atlantis News, your monthly supplement to keep you up to date with your College and the Business market. In our first

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